Second Grade Art

By Benjamin Zev




I like this picture and picked it because of three reasons.I made it at school, the leash, and how I made the triceratops.

This is what I wrote when I made the picture:

If I had a pet dinosaur it would be a triceratops. I would take him on lots of walks. No wonder my dinosaur would keep getting spotted!

I would name my dinosaur "Mad", because he will hurt you with his horns if he's mad at you. Mad would be green with a red mouth, some blue spots, some red spots, and two pink eyes.

I would buy Mad as a baby, so people would be surprised if I took him on walks. I would take him on "carries." We would be great friends.




I was supposed to draw a butterfly "drinking" from a flower. I tried to make the butterfly symmetrical, but the lines aren't symmetrical. As you can see, I didn't finish the butterfly, but I finished everything else and my picture looks very good.

Art Tells a Story

Art Tells a Story

The Perfect Library

by Benjamin Zev
Henry Matisse

This is made from cutting and gluing paper together. It is a picture of me, bookshelves, books on the bookshelves and a ladder. It was hard to do me and the ladder. You can decide which you like better, the story or the picture.

Henri Matisse was born in 1864 in France. He started painting as a child when his mom gave him a paint set to keep him busy. Matisse wanted to simplfy art into its purest forms and colors. He later started creating pieced using paper cut outs. As he grew older, Matissed decided to paint only the joyful side of life.

In my "Matisse style" picture, one day my mom took me to the library. We could tell it was a magic library because when I ran to one of the shelves, more shelves appeared. When I pulled out a book called "How To be a Person Who Does Magic," another book called the same thing appeared.

When I asked the librarian what was happening, she said, "I was born a person who can do magic. I was able to make this library and I made it a magic library. By the way, my name is Magic."

Soon after my mom and I read "How To Be a Person Who Can Do Magic," we understood the book. We made my dad, my brother, and all of us people that can do magic."

My Imagination

by Benjamin Zev
Joan Miro

I don't have much to say other than what I said above. It is not made by cutting and gluing pieces of paper together. It is made by using pens on paper and then making designs with runny paint. I had to do this painting three times.

Joan Miro is one of the most famous artist of the 20th century. He is from Spain, and his style of painting is "Surreal". The artist and poets of his time believed in imaginative ways of expressing themselves. He was influenced by the Cubism style of Picasso.

In my "Miro style" painting, I see a duck near a mud puddle. In my imagination, I see myself falling into a mud puddle, learning the duck's name, struggling with an alligator, and getting on land. More detailed, I see a duck that tells me its name is Slip, myself almost getting eaten by an alligator, and jumping into my dad's arms.

When you are an artist, you can do anything, even copy someone else's picture, and name your picture a different name!

What I look like - Symmetry

Symmetry 1 Symmetry 2 Symmetry 3

These are three pictures of symmetry, but I didn't do them quite so well.

My eyebrows are like some tiny books, waiting to be read. My muscles are like windmills, with my energy like the rooster. My joints are like hinges on a door, letting it open and close. My heart is like a bike that's always losing air. My eyes are like two ovals, with circles in them. My legs are like bird's wing because they are always being used. My brain is like a wizard, for it is full of imagination. If I were a trampoline, I would still be like me, for I'm symmetrical.



When I'm happy
I'm blue
Blue as a pool
on a hot day.
I feel so blue I can't
even smile.
I'm excited now and
I feel pink
So pink I'm pinker
than pink wallpaper
Soon I'm gray
Gray as a wolf
Or red
Red as lava
in a volcano
The volcano
And then what happens?
I'm blue again!

Do you like this poem? I hope you like it a lot. I'm pretending to be Dr. Seuss. A great poet I am not!

The Scream and My Dream

Munch Munch2

My story explains too much about the pictures that I cannot make any more sentences in my first paragraph.

Edward Munch was a Norwegian artist who painted in the Expressionist style. He painted pictures of things that frightened him to make the scariness go away. This is his most famous painting, called the Scream.

I always dream in color. I wouldn't know what was going on if I dreamt in black and white. That's because to understand my dreams, I need color. Sometimes color helps, say maybe this will happen and maybe that. So it's like reading in color and motion.

This dream is better than other dreams. It is not like others. That is why it is so good. Most are like my dad bought bananas. This one is I'm walking my dog. That's normal though. Now it gets you suspicious. Suddenly I find a maze! A gragon and a few others helped me. I finally got home. You see, it's different. Others are weird too, but this is the weirdest. You also should know my dreams are usually very weird. All my dreams are good and there's no exception for this one. All the same in my opinion. Also, you can always say bye to one thing and hello to the next.

Last updated 10/02/05.