Zev News – February 2008
February was a particularly busy month for Jonathan as his robotics class continued to suck up his time after school and on weekends. It all culminated Presidents' Day weekend, because the robot they were building had to be shipped on Tuesday February 19th. This meant that Jonathan skipped the Sondheim play "Into the Woods," to which the rest of us went on Sunday. But the robot got shipped on time. Whether or not it was working when it was shipped was a different story.
TLC Sharim, Jackie's monthly singing group at the Temple, had their second meeting. About 25 people attended (about the same as the first time) and it was widely regarded as a roaring success.
Jackie got more involved at the temple, adding the Synaplex and Family Retreat committees to her existing Religious School Board, Avodah, and TLC Sharim responsibilities.
Benjamin went on a field trip to the Rocketdyne science exposition. Jackie chaperoned and they had a great deal of fun there. He also went on a field trip to the Long Beach aquarium. Marc chaperoned this trip, and they had a great deal of fun there.