Zev Family Newsletter: September 2000

Labor Day weekend was full of family, with a both a wedding and a double birthday celebration. Both events were a blast, and very useful too. Lots of cousins that we don’t see very often came into town. It was great to see them, and Jackie put the opportunity to good use by asking for information to fill in holes in her genealogical information about these relatives.

Next came the beginning of school for Jonathan and Benjamin. Jonathan adapted to his new school with ease. He brings home tickets for good behavior every day, and lots of papers with stars and happy faces (100% correct). So far he thinks second grade is "easy." We are pleased that a substantial part of his homework involves reading independently and writing in a journal. Jackie volunteered to do a monthly newsletter for the class, and consequently got roped into being co-room parent. She really needs to work on saying "NO!"

Benjamin loves being back at preschool. He did object to going one day, but only because he wanted to go to the California Science Center instead (!)

Soccer started up again too. Jonathan’s team this year is not as good as his previous two fall soccer teams, but the team tries hard and has been improving steadily. Jonathan is performing better than he has in past year, going after the ball more aggressively, and following through more. Since Marc is coaching, this year is much more difficult for him. Now, twice a week he is reminded why we only have TWO children.

We have very exciting news to tell you. Marc, stressed over the amount of time that he spends on the road each day, started looking around to see if he could find a job he could live with closer to home. The result was not one, but two excellent job offers! One company is located in Westlake Village (actually across the street from Marc’s job before Viva) and the other is located in Calabasas. Both would be between 30-40 minute commutes (a vast improvement over his current 60-90 minute commute!) Choosing between the offers was difficult. The salaries and benefits were similar, in both jobs he would be working for people he previously knew and respected, and in both jobs the work sounded interesting and challenging. The differences? One job was with HomeStore.com, an Internet company, while the other was with Countrywide, which makes home loans. The choice was very difficult. The factor that tipped the balance is that the job at HomeStore.com furthers Marc’s career more than the one at Countrywide.

So, on Sept 27, Marc accepted the HomeStore.com job and gave Viva.com two weeks notice. He plans to take a couple of days off and then start at HomeStore.com on Oct. 16. One of his tasks will be to hire some of people for the teams he will be managing. There are some consultants currently working in the Bay Area with whom he will need to interface until he moves the team down to LA, so there will be some trips to the Bay Area in his near future.

We can’t end this newsletter without mentioning the landscaping, right?! You don’t think that it is done yet, do you? Of course not! However, we are down to the last few details. Things like adjusting sprinklers and replacing a tree that died. Nothing major. With luck, by the next newsletter, the project will be a distant memory.

‘Til next month,

Jackie, Marc, Jonathan and Benjamin